Movienizer 10.4 + License Key Free Download 2024




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Movienizer 10.4 + License Key Free Download 2024


Movienizer 10.4 is a powerful movie organizer that contains the features of an encyclopedia. It was developed by movie lovers, especially for movie lovers. With Movienizer, you can easily find and collect information about your favorite movies and personalities. You will be able to keep all that precious data organized in the form of a catalog and all in one place. Movienizer alternatives are mainly Media Managers but may also be Movie Databases or File Search Utilities. Filter by these if you want a narrower list of alternatives or are looking

Movienizer is a must-have movie catalog tool for all movie fans and those who like to keep all things cataloged, organized and tracked. Start creating your interactive film catalog right now. Start your movie database and add your movies by title, from files, or with a barcode scanner. Movienizer will search the online database you prefer and download information about your movies. In the next step, you can edit or specify additional information by adding a disc number and location, your rating, movie snapshots and comments.

It may be books, movies, discs with music, socks, files, etc. When looking for some particular thing, they lose time and temper, especially if their search brings nothing. Use Movienizer, the movie catalog program. You will always know where on your shelf or your hard drive a particular movie can be found and what audio tracks, subtitles, and other parameters it has. A sensible film synopsis along with the list of actors and with the movie cover would be a bonus. Use Movienizer, the movie catalog program. You will always know where on your shelf or your hard drive a particular movie can be found and what audio tracks, subtitles and other parameters it has.

Movienizer + Serial Key

Movienizer + Serial Key adding a movie to Movienizer, you will always remember if you have already watched it, what the movie is about and how much you liked it. A glance at the movie description and shots from the film will suffice. Shots can be added automatically from the corresponding file or DVD. Movienizer can store your movie rating, as well as ratings from online movie databases (like IMDb). With Movienizer, you can create media pages for movies, actors, directors, as well as your custom fields and filters, wish lists, reports, and statistics, and movie reviews.

Movienizer is not just a movie organizer. You can learn anything about a particular movie or an actor, actress, director, or screenplay writer. All the information is interlinked in the database, so you can browse through Movienizer the same way you do on the net and find amazing facts about your favorite movies and actors. After adding a movie to Movienizer you will always remember if you have already watched it, what the movie is about and how much you liked it. A glance at the movie description and shots from the film will suffice. Shots can be added automatically from the corresponding file or DVD.

Thanks to Movienizer, you will know everything about the world of movies. Learn what awards were given to the film, its budget, and what people were starring in it. Find out at what age the actors played in the movie, when they were born, and in what other films they participated in. Prepare yourself to be called a “walking encyclopedia.” The Movienizer can store your movie rating, as well as ratings from online movie databases (like IMDb).

Movienizer + Activation Key

Movienizer + Activation Key is a great and easy way to keep yourself up to date with future movies with your favorite actors and actresses, by your favorite directors, screenplay writers, and so on. In addition, you can easily select a movie you’d like to see again without searching through all of your physical media. Your collection is in one place and easily accessible.

When all your movies are cataloged, you may want to sort your film collection with different criteria to explore it more easily. Movienizer offers several ways to do this. You can easily sort your movie database by genres, titles, directors, etc., by clicking the corresponding items. Another way is to use the “Collection” tab, or the powerful search engine, to sort movies by multiple criteria. Additionally, the quick filter and quick search features can be used. Find all the films you watched with Angelina Jolie in a single click with Movienizer!

If you use Movienizer you will always know where on your shelf or on your hard drive a particular movie can be found, what audio tracks, subtitles and other parameters it has. A sensible description along with the list of actors and a cover will be a bonus. In a few seconds, you will learn everything about the movie or the actor that you find interesting. The film cataloger will automatically perform an Internet search and download the necessary information (movie synopsis, movie cover, movie rating, movie awards, gross shots, and filmography). All of this will be saved in the local film database, and you will be able to remember instantly in which movie a favorite actor played or to review a movie description.

Key Features:

  • There are numerous features available to utilize online with software such as CLZ cloud with automatic updates that sync data.
  • Built-in camera export support, user-friendly interface, managing image files, and more.
  • If you are seeking the Metadata for movies Movie Collector might be a great option to bring everything associated with movies straight into the Windows system.
  • Additionally, Free MovieDB is acting as a movie hub, that allows every type of film to be saved.
  • Additionally, you can access film-related information online too.
  • The user-friendly and clean interface gives you more options in themes that can be customized with more skins, and the information is presented in a way that is easy to comprehend.
  • Extreme Movie Manager leverages intelligent scanning technology that can instantly catalog all collections
  • which includes Blu-ray, NAS, DVDs, ripped movies, and many more to add.
  • The beneficial features include data importing from the internet as well as working MXM backgrounds
  • browsing through the online library of stunning film details, fan art, playing the trailers and power tools, and many more features to add.
  • Movienizer is a software for organizing movies that offers an innovative method to organize all your movies in one central location.

What’s New?

  • Add movies and TV series to your collection. …
  • Add actors, directors, screenplay writers, and composers.
  • Download information about movies and persons from the internet. …
  • Manage several databases.
  • Add several versions or editions of movies.

System Requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows 7/8/8.1/10
  • Memory (RAM): 1 GB of RAM required.
  • Hard Disk Space: 30 MB of free space required.
  • Processor: Intel Dual Core processor or later.

Serial Keys:

  • Q2W3E4R5T6Y7UW3E4R
  • 5T6Y7U8W3E4R5T67UW
  • 3E4R5T67YUW3E4R5T67
  • UIW3E4R5T6Y7U8W3E4T

License Keys:

  • 6Y7IW3E4RT60PO9I8U7Y
  • 6T5R4E3WQ2W3E4RT6YI
  • 7I90PO9I8U7Y6T5R4E3W
  • 22QW3E4R5T6Y7IP0O9I8

Activation Keys:

  • U7Y6T5R4E3Q2W3E40P9
  • OI8U76T5R4E3WQ2W3E
  • RYP0O9I8U7Y6T5R4E2W
  • 3E4RT6O9I8U7Y6T5R4E3

Registration Keys:

  • W2QQ2W3E4R5T6Y7U89
  • IUR4EW3E4R5T60PO9I87
  • UY6T5R4E3E4Q2W3E4R5
  • T6Y7U82W3E4T6782W3E

How To Install?

  1. First of all, download the latest version of Movienizer from
  2. You can find all available download options for your PC and laptop on this download page.
  3. Then, choose your suitable installer 64-bit, 32-bit, portable, offline, .. etc) and save it to your device.
  4. After that, start the installation process by a double click on the downloaded setup installer.
  5. Now, a screen will appear asking you to confirm the installation.
  6. Yes.
  7. Finally, follow the instructions given by the installer until you see a confirmation of a successful installation.
  8. Usually, a Finish Button and “installation completed successfully” message.

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