Genie Timeline Professional + Serial Key Free Download 2024




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Genie Timeline Professional + Serial Key Free Download 2024

Genie Timeline Professional

Genie Timeline Professional is an exceptionally easy-to-use tool that removes the hassles of backups. Defining your backup job can be as easy as removing the hassles and the type of files you’d like to back up (Office documents, pictures, emails, music, and so on). You can optionally tell the program to back up particular files and folders, but that’s it. There’s no need to specify a destination folder or file name, set a schedule, or browse through page after page of complicated settings: Genie Timeline handles everything. The program supports include and exclude folders, allowing you to include or exclude.

Once this is all setup, your life gets even easier. Genie Timeline Professional 10 runs in the background, looking for backup files. It is noticed when you add new pictures from your camera, say, or edit some documents. Then, when your PC is idle, the program will copy the new files to your backup drive (it will even resume the backup later if you close your system down or reboot). There’s even a Disaster Recovery option to back up your system folders. Use this, and if Windows is corrupted, say, and your PC won’t boot, then you can start it from a Genie Timeline recovery disc, restore your backup, and get everything working normally again.

If you want to recover a particular file or set of files, restore options make it very easy. You can recover the last version of a file – the one you were working on last night and accidentally deleted – but you might also recover the document as it was last week, maybe even last month. That’s because Genie Timeline Professional 10 backs up multiple versions of every file, so you can always go back in time to choose the particular copy you need. And if you’re an experienced Windows user and think this sounds a little too basic, don’t worry.

Genie Timeline Professional + License Key.

Genie Timeline Professional + License Key Home is a care continuous data protection (CDP) program for Windows that seeks to mimic the ease of Apple’s Time Machine when browsing and restoring files. Though not as visually slick as its role model, the current version 10 of Timeline is greatly improved from the older program I reviewed over a decade ago. There are more options, disaster recovery, and a very low $12. (The standard annual price for one machine. Alas, we had some issues with the recovery disc not booting on our Windows 11 systems, so what might’ve rated as backup gold is bronze instead. This review is part of our ongoing.

Genie Timeline Home sports a modern, clean interface and is particularly adept at helping less-knowledgeable users choose what files to back up. You can manually specify which files and folders to back up using a normal tree selector, but the program also allows you to choose various categories of data: email, music, videos, office, financial, etc. For Timeline to function like Apple’s Time Machine, choose the first option, Disaster Recovery. We’d normally recommend choosing the Disaster Recovery option, which also mimics Apple Time Machine’s ability to restore your entire installation. To that end, Genie now provides Linux-based disaster recovery boot media.

Genie Timeline Professional is a simple and easy, real-time data backup software for Windows with CDP, block-level technology, disaster recovery, friendly restore options, the ability to monitor on the go, and security. One-time setup, a lifetime of protection! Genie Timeline Professional makes it easy to continuously protect all your files no matter where they are stored; on your computer, external and network drives. Genie Timeline works automatically to protect new and changed files without any intervention backed by military-level encryption. You can also view the date of the last backup, the scheduled date of the next `(including the option to ‘run now’), the date your files have been protected since, and the total number of items you’ve backed up using the program.

Genie Timeline Professional + Activation Key

Genie Timeline Professional + Activation Key configured to your preference, and you’re done! It searches for your files in your computer, external, and network drives, so you don’t have to! Keep your backup safe with military-level encryption. Your backup monitor anytime, anywhere! No intervention is required; it will run without you even noticing. Protect your computer from hardware failures, crashes, and viruses with Disaster Recovery. Download GenieTimeline Professional for PC today! Genie Timeline Professional is a powerful automatic backup software that scans your computer and external/network drives to keep continually updated versions of your files.

Whether running a home office or an enterprise, Genie Timeline offers effortless and seamless protection for all your needs. This software makes it easy to continuously protect all your files no matter where they are stored; on your computer, external and network drives. Genie Timeline works automatically to protect new and changed files without any intervention. It doesn’t just store documents, photos, videos, images, or audio files. Instead, it analyzes every file, structuring it to make it easy and quick to locate, just like a search engine. But that’s not all; in just a few clicks, you can secure all your files with military-grade encryption if you’re looking for an efficient one.

With a file size of only 12 MB, this application is easy to download and install, with a setup process similar to any other basic Windows application. The only challenge involved with the installation is keeping an eye out for third-party applications that may ask to be installed along with Genie Timeline Pro. Compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7. You can also run a backup manually at any time. As computers are much faster than they were back in, real-time is no longer the performance suck it once was. Genie should consider adding this functionality in its next Timeline update. The most unique aspect of this application is its interactive timeline view, which makes.

Key Features:

  • Automatic purge to save space
  • Protection level to indicate the health of the backup
  • Timeline view to recovering from any point in time
  • Back up your documents, pictures, music, videos, and more
  • Backs up new and modified files; detects changes
  • keeps versions to recover older or deleted files
  • Protects mobile data synced to your computer
  • View your backup in its native or encrypted form
  • Backs up an external network or any storage attached to your PC
  • Backs up encrypted drives
  • Encrypts backup with 256-AES encryption
  • Encrypts backed-up filenames
  • iPhone/ iPad app to keep track of your backup health
  • Email notifications and alerts sent directly to your Inbox
  • Saves space and time with machine-level deduplication
  • Doesn’t take resources
  • Turbo mode when a computer is idle
  • Power saving and performance modes
  • Runs when you need it to
  • Automatic resume after pauses or disconnections
  • Add/remove files from backup
  • recover deleted files
  • View versions of files in a Timeline
  • Icon markers to show what files and folders are backed up
  • Automatic system backup without any intervention
  • Restore your system to any recovery point
  • Step-by-step wizard for easy recovery

What’s New?

  • Back up your documents, pictures, music, videos, and more.
  •  Back up new and modified files; detect changes.
  •  Keeps versions to recover older or deleted files.
  •  Protects mobile data synced to your computer.
  • Back up external, network, or any storage attached to your PC.


  • Three-step configuration process makes it easy for even the most novice users to get started
  • Facilitates the process of recovering and restoring older versions of files or deleted files
  • Helps save disk space by finding and eliminating duplicate files


  • The ‘System Recovery’ option can take a long time to perform a restore operation
  • The intelligent backup feature does not support some types of file extensions,
  • so some files may be overlooked during automated backups.

System Requirements:

  • Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1, Windows® 10
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer™ 6.0.0 or later
  • Intel Pentium® 4 processor or above, AMD Athlon™ 64
  • 512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM recommended)
  • 200MB free hard drive space

Serial Keys:

  • 1QW2E3R4T5Y6U7I8O9P01QW
  • 2E3R4T5Y6U7I8O9P0Q1W2E3R
  • 4T5Y6U7I8O9P01QWE3R4T5Y6
  • U7I8O9P01QWE3R4T5Y6U7I8O

License Keys:

  • 9P01WE3R4T5Y6U7I8O9P01QI
  • W2E3R4T5Y6U7I8O9P01QWE3
  • R4T5Y6U7I8O9P01W2E3R4T5Y
  • 6U7I8O9P0Q1WE3R4T5Y6U7I8

Activation Keys:

  • O9P01QWE3R4T5Y6U7I8O9P0I
  • Q1WE3R4T5Y6U7I8O9P01QW2
  • E3R4T5Y6U7I8O9P0Q1W2E3R4
  • T5Y6U7I8O9P0Q1W2E3R4T5Y6

Registration Keys:

  • U7I8O90Q1W2E3R4T5Y6U7I8OI
  • 91WE3R4T5Y6U7I8O9P0W2E3R
  • 4T5Y6U7I8O90Q1WE3R4T5Y6U
  • 7I8O9Q1W2E3R4T5Y6U7I8O9PI

How To Install?

  1. Download the program
  2.  Disable Windows Defender
  3. Decompress
  4. installation

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